2024 PBIS Parent Letter

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Our school is participating in an important district initiative called Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). PBIS is a school-wide system that includes proactive strategies for teaching, modeling, and reinforcing appropriate student behavior. We are using this program to help our students have a safe positive learning environment and to provide consistency in all areas of our school.

Your student is taught behavior expectations by their classroom teacher and the school counselor. Every adult in the building reinforces students when they meet the behavior expectation and reteaches them when they need a reminder.

Our school-wide behavior expectations fall under our school rules, which are:

  1. Responsible

  2. Kind

  3. Safe

When your student follows the rules, they can earn a Bobcat Buck. Bobcat Bucks can be used to buy items or activities at the school store. Students eam Bobcat Bucks from any adult in the building if they follow any of the TRACKS traits: Teamwork, Responsibility, Attitude, Commitment, Kindness, and Safety.

We have a school-wide system of consequences. If a student doesn't follow instructions, the teacher has a menu of consequences and chooses the consequence that best fits the behavior. This could be a conversation with the teacher, a reflection sheet, a seat away in the class or another class, a call home, alternative recess, or a referral to the principal. Students are occasionally put on a check-in/out system to help them get timely feedback on their behavior during different times of the day.

As part of the teaching on expectations, students are taught bully prevention using the Bully Prevention ir Positive Behavior Support program, otherwise known to the students as Stop/Walk/Talk. In this program, students are taught first to tell the person to stop and second to walk away. If that doesn't work, then they can say to an adult. We encourage students to get along and problem-solve themselves before going to the teacher.

The counselor teaches students using the Second Step Program to help reinforce the concepts of our school expectations. This evidence-based program covers topics such as goal-setting, emotion management, kindness, and problem-solving.

We encourage your student/s to make good behavior choices and come to school each day, and we appreciate your encouragement at home to do the same.


Silver Ridge Faculty/Staff